by Dave Scheirer | Aug 24, 2020 | Self-Care
In my previous blog, Taming the Wild Horse I wrote about the subject of anger. In that article, I shared four truths about anger. That fourth point is something worth elaborating on. That truth is often hard to believe; “anger is something we can learn to control.” I...
by Dave Scheirer | Jul 27, 2020 | Self-Care
Anger. Recently, I had a friend ask me if I would assist him in learning how to manage his anger. What a request! It is an honor to be entrusted with such personal and difficult information and responsibility, especially if you knew me. I am a therapist and a youth...
by Rev. Dr. Thaeda Franz | Apr 9, 2020 | Family, Relationships
Parenting is a big challenge full of joys, difficulties and attempts to calm and soothe our children. In our efforts, we frequently have to follow our instincts and just try our best. Sometimes that goes well and sometimes it doesn’t. One of the ways we can help our...
by Rev. Dr. Thaeda Franz | Jul 31, 2019 | Self-Care
What we resist receives our attention. “What you resist persists and what you look at disappears”- Neale Donald Walsch Generally, people don’t want to feel anything except what we call the “good” feelings. As soon as they are sad, anxious, frustrated, or angry, they...